Monday, January 21, 2008

The Feng Shui Ba Gua

The ba gua (pronounced ba-GWA) is an simple tool for understanding the flow of chi in any house, room, or other space.

It's associated with Black Hat Buddhist school of feng shui, as practiced by many western feng shui specialists.

The ba gua consists of a 9-area diagram, such as a square divided into 9 equal spaces, three across and three down, for a total of 9. Each of the spaces within the ba gua is called a gua.

Ancient feng shui masters studied how energy flows in spaces to determine the particular nature of energy in each gua, and described it in terms of various levels of meaning, such as color, element, and characteristic.

For example, the top left corner of the ba gua is associated with: Prosperity, Purple, and Wind.

The top right gua is associated with: Relationships, Tans, and Earth.

A feng shui specialist knows how to adjust and arrange items placed in the guas in a room to ensure maximum correspondence between the nature of the energy there and the items placed there.

This is how the feng shui ba gua works.

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